Neuro linguistic programing NLP
“Let’s know the secrets of copy and pasting word’s successful and intellectual mind mechanism"
AN ANCIENT SCINCE of human mind and its power to achieve everything they deserve. Latest science and research for ready remedies to attain whatever you want for your life. Rather than throwing complex and unwanted theories in to your mind, we select to provide you some very simple ways to operate your mind. Redesign your mind, and enhance your strength to achieve your great goals.
Course content
- What, How, When, Why NLP
- Invented – researched – and available to word
- Ancient theories for human mind
- Latest science and experiments
- Mind functions and their principals
- Tools to replace past programing with latest desired one
- Principals and fundamentals of NLP
- Tools for financial – social and personal growth
- Relationship and communication power tools
- Some blanks to fill in with right programing
- Complete transformation
How do we do this ?
We have studied almost all most mature materials and research for NLP and attended international standard workshop worth 2 million. Gone through extensive content journey through online platforms. And finally, collected and extracted most powerful and accepted theories and tools to achieve great success with NLP tools. We know the direct and complex methods of NLP with its easiest way to explain. Here you will get straight and direct remedies to get your solutions. Live conversations, practical and logical workshop. Listen, learn, and start performing.
18 Hours
Age Group
15 yrs and above all
For whom
Professionals, entrepreneurs, business tycoons, educationist, principals, teachers, students, couples, family heads, counsellors, Political leaders, sports persons, trainers, coaches, speakers
You have given perfect name “Magic of Memory” it is really working like magic. After your suggested practice I could save the half of the time of my study. Now I can utilize my time more fruitful task and without feeling boredom I can study with fun. Thank sir for all your techniques and positive lessons.